Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

We have used Karrie Moorhouse for a number of house purchases and refinances and we have always been happy with her service and professionalism.   Karrie has strived to get us the best interest rates and took time out of her busy schedule to monitor the rates and advise us as to the best time to refi in order to get the best rates.  We have also called on Karrie to research mortgage numbers as we researched investment property or had friends that were looking a investment opportunities.  Her responses have always been timely, which allowed our friends and us make the right investment decision.   We are pleased to call Karrie my friend and my "go-to" person for mortgage needs.

Mike Shepherd and Bill Dineen




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Interface Mortgage

5801 Osuna Rd NE, Suite 105
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
Phone: 505-980-4680
Fax: 877-828-8120
NMLS #206323

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